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Visionaries Online Series

The Visionaries online series features conversations with changemakers who, often at great personal risk, defend free-expression rights in today's increasingly complicated digital world. All events are free, with suggested donations.


Chapter 5: Music against Vietnamese censorship

Julie Trébault, director of PEN America's Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) program, spoke with Vietnamese pop-star-turned-dissident Mai Khoi, 2022 Four Freedoms Award laureate for Freedom of Speech, in this installment of Visionaries.

They discuss Mai Khoi's use of her fame for free-expression advocacy, her difficulty in moving into exile during the pandemic, and the pressure to continue her advocacy, given how far she has come.


Mai Khoi was honored with the 2022 Four Freedoms Award for Freedom of Speech on April 21, 2022. Read our celebration of her honor.

Visionaries: Mai Khoi and Julie Trébault
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Chapter 4: Defining the African media landscape